Sierra Leone


Call for Applications
Intensive Media Training for Sierra Leonean Journalists to Report Upon HumanTrafficking (2024)

The Journalism Centre on Global Trafficking (JCOGT), in collaboration with the Center on HumanTrafficking Research and Outreach (CenHTRO) at the University of Georgia, is happy to announce a six months training programme for Sierra Leonean journalists interested in reporting on human trafficking.

Building on prior training programs for Sierra Leonean journalists, this new fellowship will endeavor to further and deepen investigations into human trafficking in previously uncovered communities. Twelve Sierra Leonean journalists will be selected to take part in a hybrid training programme.

Through a series of online and in-country activities, including field work, journalists will learn about why and how trafficking happens in Sierra Leone.

Participants will receive story coaching, mentoring, and editorial assistance to support their efforts to produce high quality and in-depth stories. Journalists will have the opportunity to apply for grant funding to support financial costs related to reporting for investigative or high quality in-depth stories on human trafficking.


Alusine Sesay
Premier News
Why I 
cover this
Rachael Amara
Nyapui Radio
Why I 
cover this

Press releases

University of Georgia to host virtual launch of anti-trafficking program in Sierra Leone (The Sierra Leone Telegraph)

Twelve Sierra Leone Journalists Awarded CenHTRO and JCOGT Fellowships to Report on Human Trafficking in Sierra Leone

Twelve Sierra Leone Journalists Awarded CenHTRO and JCOGT Fellowships to Report on Human Trafficking, marking a program expansion

Research papers

Interested in our program?

Apply here

Impact report